Tips for Successful Social Media Marketing

There is no one-size-fits-all approach that can be followed by marketers to carve their niche with the online audience when it comes to social media marketing. There are different types of men and women out there where the target consumer is concerned, and there are endless tools, techniques, and ways that can be employed to win such men and women.

Social media facts – a quick look:

  • Daily Active users on social media are about 3.5 billion.
  • Monthly Active Users on Face book – about 2.32 billion.
  • 90.4% of Millennials and about 77.5% of Gen X are active on social media.
  • Users spend about 3 hours every day on social media.

Is it important to focus on social media marketing? Well, social media, when handled well, has the potential to organically grow audiences, augment traffic and boost sales, be it a new brand or an already-established one. Here are the top tips for a triumphant social media marketing strategy.

Tips for successful social media marketing

Tip # 1: Why is the strategy required?

You need to define first the purpose of designing the strategy. It should be clear and visible, pragmatic, and futuristic. The objective should be to align strategies with the overall goal of the business. Your goal strategy has to be SMART, which means that you should have a definite, time-bound plan in mind, one whose results can be attained and measure. A part of goal setting is also about understanding and pinpointing your audience.

Tip # 2: Choose the platforms where you want to be

You need to choose the platforms that you will use to reach your target audience. From Facebook to Twitter, Instagram, to going in for LinkedIn as a B2B business platform, the social media platform’s choice will largely depend on your audience profile. You also need to consider what your closest competition is doing, and most of all, where the majority of your audience is present throughout the day.

Tip # 3: Do not ignore the latest trend

Every platform has its own set of trends. By keeping a close watch over what is trending, you can use some of the trends that are in sync with your message. This way, you will be able to capitalize on emerging choices and push for higher audience engagement.

However, be careful and cautious that you do not just about join the bandwagon for nothing. Your social media strategy goals should be perfectly aligned with the trends that you chose to work on.

Tip #4: Leverage the power of videos

Videos are the way of life on social media these days. The real power of video creation and editing can be felt now like never before. Social media channels like Facebook Live and YouTube, IGtv thrive on videos. The best part is to convert your images to video and upload on your profile. There are many tools available online, free as well as paid, that can be used to convert the images to dynamic videos.

Tip # 5: Measure results

No strategy is useful if the results cannot be measured and monitored. It is a futile attempt that you will undertake if the results are not tracked, and efforts are not measured. And, most businesses online are great at making strategies and implementing them, but at least 40% of these businesses forget about the measurement part. The net result is that the project turns out to be a flop affair.

When measuring results, pay attention to the metrics that you want to measure. For example, some brands are entirely focused on reach and engagement, while some focus on clicks and impressions, and some other value likes and shares more than any other parameter, such as sales. What is your focus? The step number one or your goal setting up process will determine the metrics you should concentrate on.

Tip # 6: Do not forget to tell your story

Two things are essential here – one, never forget the story and never forget to share it; two, while narrating the story, do not forget to include the people who are behind the brand’s evolution. It is a very basic way of telling your audience how the brand values the human elements, how collaboration and team building are imperative in the evolution of the brand.

Tip #7: Learn from errors

It is human to err – we all know that. Though mistakes and errors can cost dearly, not learning your lessons from such mistakes can prove to be far more expensive. One good thing about social media is that you are always there amid public glare. This means that you get ample opportunity to not only connect and engage with the audience but also apologize or express regret and learn from your mishaps.

Tip #8: Use hashtags judiciously

Hash tags are great to seek greater attention from your audience and for specific events to be there right in front of everyone. But, abstain from overusing hash tags. This is because data suggests that posts that come with one or maybe two hash tags garner more engagement from the audience vis-à-vis the use of multiple hash tags that lower engagement.

Tip # 9: Consistency pays off in the end

You may want to go slow or fast where your social media strategy is concerned, but always remember to maintain a level of consistency. Go in a planned manner, whether about creating content, posting and publishing content, or understanding what the competition is doing or what your audience wants.

Tip #10: Use the power social media influencers

Social media influencers are popular because the audience listens to them. These people have successfully created a niche for themselves on social media platforms, and people trust them. When you choose to work with social media influencers, you can use their influence or power to build your unique niche in the market.


Focusing on the right social media strategy can help your brand reach the zenith of success fast. Follow our tips, ensure that you focus on using the right picture video maker to create strong visual content and get-set-ready to soar high in the sky!