RAC stands for Reservation Against Cancellation in the railway context. Reservation Against Cancellation (RAC) is a type of railway ticket booking system in India where a limited number of seats on a train are available for booking on a first-come, first-served basis.
Under the RAC system, a limited number of seats on a train are reserved for booking, but they are not confirmed. When a passenger books an RAC ticket, they are guaranteed a seat on the train, but they may have to share the seat with another passenger. The RAC ticket holder is also eligible to travel in the train, but they may have to stand if the train is fully crowded.
The RAC system is designed to provide an option for passengers who are unable to secure a confirmed ticket, but still wish to travel by train. The RAC system helps to reduce the number of waitlisted passengers and provides a more efficient way to manage the demand for railway tickets.
In conclusion, the Reservation Against Cancellation (RAC) system is an important tool for the Indian Railways to manage the demand for railway tickets and provide an option for passengers who are unable to secure a confirmed ticket. The RAC system helps to reduce the number of waitlisted passengers and provides a more efficient way to manage the demand for railway tickets. The RAC system is an essential component of the Indian Railways, contributing to the efficient and reliable transportation of passengers on trains.
Santosh Kumar, the author behind IndiasStuffs.com, is passionate about sharing valuable insights on a variety of topics, including lifestyle, technology, and Indian culture.