The state of Kerala has come with the most beneficial scheme for the old age people known as the old age pension scheme. It was known to benefit the people above the age of 60 who are dependent on others and have no source of income for their living. The scheme was introduced through the Act by the Indian Constitution. Sevana pension plan was introduced by the Kerala state benefiting the poor and initially taken care of by the Revenue department which was later taken over by the Local institutions through the Government Order number GO(P)47/95 dated 13/12/1995. The application is received and processed by the local bodies.
The pension scheme was later named as National Old age Pension (NOAP) thereby getting assistance for the fund from the Central government.
The pension amount for people above the age of 70yrs received an amount of Rs 1100 – 1500 accordingly. The history of pension amount from the year 1996 has increased drastically from Rs 110 to 1500 as of now.
Following are the ways by which the pension is applied in turn benefiting the poor and the needy:
- Visit the website
- Click on Download
- Select the application form from the drop-down menu
- The application form downloaded should be filled with all the required information necessary
- The filled application form is submitted at the respective local bodies like Panchayat or the Municipality or the Secretary of the Corporation
- The enquiry is conducted by the VEO or officer appointed by the secretary for Grama Panchayat
- The enquiry is conducted by the Revenue inspector for Municipality or Corporation
- After submitting the application, the enquiry will be conducted within 45 days
- After completion of enquiry, the beneficiary list will be prepared within 45 days
- Once the beneficiary list is prepared, any sort of appeal should be submitted with 30 days to the Collector of the district concerned
- The right decision against the appeal will be sorted out by the Government
- After the clearing of the application, the pensioner will receive the pension from the first week of the consecutive month with respect to the fund availability
- The Kerala government will allocate an amount for the eligible pensioners
- The pension amount will be distributed on a regular basis
The eligibility criteria for allotment of National old age scheme for pensioners are:
- The applicant must be poor or should not be able to fund himself
- People who are receiving pensions from social welfare are not eligible for this pension
- An applicant who is not looked upon by anyone
- If the applicant is of a habitual beggar, he/she is not eligible for the pension
- If the applicant is admitted in a home not affordable, he/she is not eligible
- The applicant should be of 60 years and higher
- If the applicants’ annual income of family is Rs 100000 and below
- Should have lived in the state of Kerala for not less than 3 years
- Applied locally at the place of residence of the applicant
- Even if the applicant has an elder son who doesn’t take care of him is eligible for this pension amount
In order to search for the pension status, the following are the steps to be done:
- Visit the website
- Enter the pensioner ID / Aadhar number / Account number
- Enter the captcha and click on search to get the status
The scheme has benefitted many people in the state of Kerala and being of great help to them.
Santosh Kumar, the author behind, is passionate about sharing valuable insights on a variety of topics, including lifestyle, technology, and Indian culture.