The establishment of a welfare state is the dream of every government. In order to achieve this government has introduced various schemes that help the weaker section of the society. The social and economic status of the citizen is the primary concern for establishing a welfare state.
One such important scheme that is introduced by the state of Jammu and Kashmir for the economic upliftment of its senior citizens is Indra Gandhi National Old age pension Scheme. This program by the government was officially started in November 2007..
IGNOAPS includes clear rules and norms with regard to eligibility criteria, the procedure for application and documents required. The scheme believes in increasing awareness among the citizens about the benefits and reducing intervention by the officials.
Who are eligible to avail the benefits of the scheme?
In order to get pension under IGNOAPS, the person applying must fulfill the below – mentioned criteria
- The foremost requirement of the scheme to be eligible, the applicant must have completed the age of 60 years or higher. This scheme is eligible to all senior citizens that fall under the age category irrespective of their gender.
- The next criteria that the individual applying for the pension is his/ her economic status. The person applying for the pension must live in a house that falls under below poverty line or he should own a BPL card.
- The person applying for the pension must not get any financial assistance from any family members. Or get financial support from other sources.
- The candidate applying for the pension benefits must possess certain documents to support his claims like BPL card or income certificate, birth certificate, Aadhar card, and Bank account.
How to apply for old age pension under the scheme?
The application form for availing the benefits of the scheme can be obtained offline as well as online. For online application form follow the link to download at – This form can also be obtained from the nearest social welfare office at free of cost.
- Once the application form is obtained through, either way, it needs to be filled completely and submitted to the concerned office.
- The form contains details with regard to age, name, address, and income and eligibility category.
- The detail requested in the form must be filled correctly; furnishing false information can result in rejection.
- The person must attach the present photo of himself. The form must be duly signed after checking the details provided.
- The filled and signed form can be either submitted to either Tehsil social welfare officer in a rural area or to district social welfare officer in Urban area respectively.
- The filled forms must be submitted along with supporting documents for scrutiny by welfare officer. The documents to be included are birth proof, income certificate, BPL card, bank account, and Aadhar card.
- The form received by the concerned welfare office is sanctioned by district level officer or sanctioning committee after thoroughly checking all the details submitted. The reference number or acknowledgment received during form submission needs to be kept safely for checking the status.
The pension amount to be allotted to the eligible candidates under the scheme has been hiked from April 2016. Earlier the senior citizens falling under the age group of 60 – 79 were given Rs. 400 and for citizens completing 80 years were given Rs. 700 as pension respectively.
But from April 2016 the pension amount has been increased to Rs. 1000 for all eligible candidates irrespective of category in Kashmir.
How does the government pay under the scheme?
The eligible candidates whose application for pension under the scheme is approved are given pension by crediting the said amount to their respective bank account. The pension can also be collected in cash from the general post located in the area.
Santosh Kumar, the author behind, is passionate about sharing valuable insights on a variety of topics, including lifestyle, technology, and Indian culture.