Often while travelling on a journey, you might want to know about all the trains between two stations. This could help you in planning your journey better as you get an idea about all the trains that ply on the route. Some of the trains also follow a different route to reach the same stations and this could also be a point of interest for you.
If you are also in the middle of planning your journey and if you wish to know about the trains between the two stations then you are at the right place as we have listed the procedure to check the same. It should be noted that there are two procedures to check this information and we have listed both the process here.
Checking Train between Two Stations via IRCTC Next Generation Website
-: To check the train between two stations via IRCTC Next Generation Portal, visit irctc.co.in. This is the first step to proceed.
-: On the portal, enter the details of From and Two Stations. Also, enter the date of journey in the section for Book Your Tickets. Once that is done, click on Find Trains.
-: The next page will display the list of trains plying between those two stations irrespective of the availability. You can simply go ahead and check the availability in the train if you are using this method.
-: If in case you wish to book the tickets on one of these trains then you can go ahead and Login to your IRCTC account to continue with the ticket booking.
Checking Train between Two Stations via National Train Enquiry System
-: The second way to check Trains between the stations is via National Train Enquiry System. You can visit the portal with help of the link – https://enquiry.indianrail.gov.in
-: On this portal, you can click on Trains Between Stations from the top menu bar and if you are not able to find the link then simply click here – https://enquiry.indianrail.gov.in/xyzabc/e_trainsBwStns.jsp
-: In the next step, simply enter the From and To stations and click on select the train if you wish to travel to any specific type of train. Once that is done, click on the Go button and the results will be displayed on the next page.
-: On this page, you will be able to see train number, train name, train type, days on which the train runs, departure and arrival time along with the total travel time.
These were the two procedures to check the trains between two stations. You can use any process to find the details and whichever you feel is easier to follow. In addition to this, you can also get in touch with the customer services if you still face any difficulty.
This procedure is especially helpful when you have to travel on an urgent basis and you are not getting availability. With this, you can check the trains available between the two stations and travel in general class by purchasing the unreserved ticket from the railway station.
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Santosh Kumar, the author behind IndiasStuffs.com, is passionate about sharing valuable insights on a variety of topics, including lifestyle, technology, and Indian culture.