How to Register a Will in India?

Life is beautiful when you have good health, relations and a sufficient amount of money. Still, life can be miserable at the same time. A person can be good and healthy one day and won’t wake up the next. The uncertainty of life makes people buy the insurance and collect funds for their upcoming generation.

Meanwhile doing all the things, but registering the will might be a big mistake. Thousands of families deal with such issues when their late parents never got their wills registered. A person spends plenty of time earning, investing and collecting assets, but it should also reach the right person after he or she demise.

Not getting the will registered can cause conflict in family members, brothers, or the assets might end up getting into the wrong hands. To avoid these issues, it is necessary to register the will. Let’s start by learning that what’s a will.

Register a will

What’s A Will?

A Will stands for desire after the demise in legal terms. It states that what a person wants after the demise. It is all about assets, property, funds and more. So, the Will holds a strong value as it make things legal and their child can’t take control of everything.

To say in simple words, if a person at the age of 70 years register the will that all his property will go to his wife, then everything will be registered to his wife instead of the child. The nominees decided by the registrar will be considered an heir.

Types of Will

Will have two types and each type further explains the different statements. These are –

  • Privileged
  • Unprivileged

You should learn about both types as per your working position and type of job.


The procedure to register a will is similar throughout the country. However, it might vary in a few steps based on the state you reside. The procedure to register a will is as follow –

  • First of all, you should consult an advocate to draft the will. The advocate will read all the rules and explain to you the different types.
  • After that, you would have to fix appointments at the sub-registrar office. There will be some minimal charges for the registration.
  • The fees also vary based on the state and taxes. After that, you would have to visit the sub-registrar with witnesses. You need at least two witnesses.
  • After that, you can collect the physical copy of Will’s registration. It takes almost a week to get the will in writing.

While filling your will, make sure that you do not leave any empty spaces in the will, otherwise, it might be rejected.


  • The primary rule about testators is age. The testator must be above the age of 18 years.
  • The testator can change the will as per desire as many times as he or she wants. The will can be altered in the upcoming future also. Or testators can add more into their existing wills.
  • It is necessary to mention that the testator is in the perfect state of mind.
  • Make sure to write the name, address and other detail regarding the testator.
  • Mention every beneficiary from the property, assets and jewellery.
  • Note down the date as well as place.


The rules to write a will and register it might seem difficult, but hiring an attorney can help you throughout the job. It is crucial to follow through with all the basic guidelines and consult with your loved ones. Writing a will in an angry mind state might end up causing conflicts. So, take some time before getting your will registered.

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