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In this section of the website, you will read more about the disclaimer policy associated with our website https://www.indiasstuffs.com/. The primary source of information on our website is the product listings from the brand. Our team of experts, along with the team of writers compile the reviews for you. The reports go through multiple iterations of proofreading, and we also try to give you accurate information. A lot of effort goes in before the posts are made public. Even after so much of caution, there is a chance that some error gets sneaks into the live posts. The error may include a typo or some inaccurate information. The model details, features, and price can change rapidly as the market is very dynamic. We try and keep the posts updated but sometimes, it may not be feasible to maintain the accuracy.
You must also understand that we have a team of experts who review the products. Reviews and opinion are always very subjective. There are chances that some of the readers may not agree with our view or opinion. In such a case, you can ignore or skip the content. We try and paint the exact picture of the experience that we had, and by no mean, we defame the products. You will never find a paid review on our website as we believe in promoting transparency. You must also note that we only share reviews of the products. The decision to buy the product lies with you, and my team or the website can’t be held liable for any loss or damage caused by the usage or purchase of any product. You can trust our reviews, but we can’t guarantee the customer service or performance of a product. We do not provide or honour any warranties either.
You must always check the user guide of the products before using the product, and you must ensure that you are using the product for the intended purpose. We do not market any product, but we are affiliated with some of the affiliate programs. Owing to our obligations, we do share the links of the product that we review. The links can contain the tracking ID, and this helps the affiliate managers in tracking the purchase that you make via our website. We get a portion of commission when you are purchasing the products using the links that we share on the site. It should be noted that using the links on the website do not impact the price of the product. The commission helps us in supporting the team, and it also enables us to provide high quality content to you.
Before we conclude this section, we would like to mention that you are free to use the content on this website for informational purpose. Please do not reproduce any material as we hold the copyright, and any attempt to replicate the content will be considered as plagiarism. In case of such violations, our legal team will be free to take legal action against your or your website.