Education is the process of obtaining and passing on information via formal instruction, such as that provided in a classroom setting.
Sharing knowledge about how to find and prepare food, build shelter, create weapons and other equipment, teach one another how to speak a common language, and inculcate oneself with the norms, customs, and religious practices of society were among the first forms of education.
People had to constantly fight for their lives against the elements, other animals, and other people before the development of the written word. Skills acquired by preliterate individuals for survival eventually evolved into educational and cultural norms.
Education grew out of people’s need to learn new things and adapt to their environment. It may be formal, or it could be casual. To put it simply, the term “informal education” describes how people as a whole learn the norms and conventions of a given society.

The term “formal education” is often used to describe how pupils are taught inside classroom settings.
Traditional Education
Customary or conventional education is another name for traditional education. The goal of traditional schooling is to instill in the following generation the morals, social norms, and behavioral patterns that will ensure their continued existence as a society. The goal of conventional education is to instill in the student an appreciation for and understanding of the cultural norms of his upbringing. Students often learn this subject matter by rote memorization and repetition.
Very little in the way of paperwork or hands-on labor is required. Sitting in a circle, students listen to the lesson being read out by the instructor or a classmate. Traditional education does not rely on written exams but does make use of informal oral interviews. When it comes to learning about science and technology, conventional schools are lagging far behind.
The old education system does not focus on teaching the kind of in-depth scientific knowledge that is standard in modern classrooms. Learning about one’s culture and religion was important to the traditional educational model. That’s why we refer to it as “the old school”
Modern Education
Contemporary teaching methods are vastly different from their historical counterparts. What is being taught in classrooms today is a product of the modern era.
Skills in science and technology, medical science, etc., are among those emphasized in today’s curricula because they are essential to modern life. Modern education emphasizes not just listening, but also reading, writing, drawing, and thinking critically.
Written tests are also used in this kind of education to determine whether or not the students are grasping the material. This procedure is extremely formal. The instructional approach takes an active role in learning. What we now call “modern education” is merely a refinement of the more conventional methods of teaching used in the past.
Ancient Vs Modern education system of India
- Who was educated?
Ancient Education
In all likelihood, urban dwellers had a higher educational background than their rural counterparts. The majority of the male students were enrolled in the coeducational institutions. Those few females who did read and understand did it outside of the educational system. To get some studying done, they would send for tutors.
Modern Education
There is a mandatory school attendance law that applies equally to both boys and girls. In the alternative, parents may face legal consequences.
- Who were the teachers?
Ancient Education
Someone who could disseminate knowledge about spirituality, Hinduism, the Vedas, and others to help build a society free of corruption and anarchy. With this, humanity’s existence was filled with unimaginable joy.
Modern education
Someone who instructs others in the fundamentals of science and technology, such as computer literacy, competitiveness, and the like
- Mode of communication
Ancient education
All lessons were taught only in Sanskrit. The disciplined effort was put into instilling in them the values and norms of their culture.
Modern education
The two most common languages taught in schools are English and Hindi. And English is favored over other languages in almost all of the classrooms in major urban centers.
- Dress code
Ancient education
When you entered the Gurukul, you entered a rather rigid environment. The pupils were obligated to behave themselves by the set norms. Dhoti pants & kurta were the standard garments to wear. However, there was no hard and fast rule about what to wear.
Modern education
These days, kids are expected to show up to school with a crisply pressed uniform complete with belts, badges, and an identification card.
There are undoubtedly innumerable distinctions; yet, knowledge is the key to success in every field. Both the ancient and the modern educational system have their advantages and disadvantages. The student’s time spent at either institution is equally valuable.
Parkash Singh is a PGT Teacher in Kendriya Vidyalaya Rohini, New Delhi. Parkash completed his starting education from Bihar Board and graduated from Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University. He regularly writes educational and informative articles at