In many cases you may get a deformed face. This may be a serious concern for a lot of people. However, you can get back your original look with the help of plastic surgery. In Delhi you will get many plastic surgeons that can help you in this work. In this part, you will come across some of the best plastic surgeon in the city. Let us check it out.
1. Rajat Gupta
He is one of the reputed Plastic Surgeons in the city. He is an expert in hair surgeon with 9 years of experience. He has also been awarded with the fellowship award by the foreign Universities. He is presently attached with skinnovation clinic. He takes Rs 600 as a consultation fee. He comes from a good educational background.
2. Vijay Kakkar
He is a great plastic surgeon who has 24 years of experience. He is considered as one of the best plastic surgeons in the city. He is also attached with Kakkar healthcare clinic. He takes Rs 700 as his consultation fee. You will get the best treatment under his guidance. He uses advanced technologies treat the patients.
3. Monisha Kapoor
She has ten years of experience in plastic surgery and has dealt with many critical matters. She has created a good impact in people’s life with her hard work. She is confident with her treatment. She is also attached with many clinics in and around the city. She has a clinic.
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