One of the popular alternative medicine is Acupuncture. It is a component of Chinese Medicine where thin needles are inserted at specific points in the body. It is generally used in combination with other treatments, and many patients can get immediate benefits from Acupuncture. It is a safe practice, and many Delhi doctors offer Acupuncture. If you are looking for acupuncture doctors in Delhi, refer to the list below since we have listed some of the best options in Delhi.
1. Dr Seema Bali
Dr Seema Bali has a Post Graduate Diploma Degree in Acupuncture, and she also has over 36 years of experience in the field. Dr Seema Bali is associated with institutes like Hegdewad Hospital & Ganga Ram Hospital. She also received Bhartiya Ratna Award along with the Pride of India Award. You can consult her at her clinic in Greater Kailash I or Patel Nagar according to your convenience.
Address: GF, W-1, Greater Kailash-1, Greater Kailash I, Delhi 110048
2. Dr Jayashree Doval
Next on our list is Dr Jayashree Doval. She is MBBS, and she also has a certification in Acupuncture. Presently, the doctor has over 15 years of experience in pain management, Acupuncture and auricular therapy. She has been associated with Bhagwan Mahavir Govt Hospital, and at present, she is available for consultation at her clinic in Rohini.
Address: 7th Floor, Kings Mall, Twin District Centre, Bhagwan Mahavir Marg, Sector 10, Rohini, Delhi, 110085
3. Dr Raman Kapur
Dr Raman Kapur is yet another acupuncture doctor available in Delhi. He has 41 years of experience, and he is also a recipient of the Padma Shri award for medical Acupuncture. He received this award in May 2008 from Smt. Pratibha Patil. Dr Raman Kapur is available for consultation at his clinic in Greater Kailash – I from Monday to Saturday.
Address: E-78, Hans Raj Gupta Marg, Landmark: Near Spectra Eye Hospital, Delhi
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