A fantastic cartoon series that many kids love is Selfie with Bajrangi. Praveen Fernandes has written this story and was aired in the year 2017. Just in few days, this series got very popular in India. The story is all about a character names Ankush. He meets a nine-year-old boy, Bajrangi. The life of Ankush changes after he meets Bajrangi.
In the first few episodes, Bajrangi is a very mysterious character. Only Ankush will be able to see Bajrangi and no one else will be able to see him. He is a good friend of Ankush and keeps helping him.
List of characters Names in Selfie with Bajrangi:
The main character around which the whole story revolves is Ankush. Ankush is in Kinder garden and goes to school everyday. Ankush finds it very difficult for him to deal with his daily work. He is also bullied by another boy in the series named as Ranga. After Ankush meets Bajrangi, everything changes. Bajrangi helps in getting rid of all the problems that he is facing.
Ankush is definitely the main role in this series, but the special powers of Bajrangi make this show more interesting. The supernatural powers of Bajrangi is something that attracts kids. Bajrangi is just nine years old. He just comes into the life of Ankush and helps in everything he does. There are so many things that they will be able to learn together. The series mostly focuses on the values of friendship and togetherness.
The next character that you should know about is Ranga. At some point, you can call him as a villian of the series, but it does not remain like that for the entire series. He is shown as a bad character, but in some episodes he has a very kind heart. Ankush and Bajrangi are against Ranga in most of the episodes, but in some episodes, all three work together to better the world.
Pinki is another good character in this series. She is one of the good friends of Ankush. She is a very sensitive and polite character but has many good thoughts about the world around. Her role is very limited in most of the episodes but she has a good role to play. Bajrangi is always in support with the thoughts of Pinki.
Ankush’s parents
You can see that this character is very important for the kids to understand how important it is to communicate openly with parents. They are always in support with Ankush and help with deal with many things in the world. With the help of parents any kid will be able to do things better and that is what is conveyed in this series and by these characters.
So, if you wish to teach some moral values, the importance of friends, importance of communicating with parents, then Selfie with Bajrangi is one of the best series. All the characters in the cartoon series are very important and lively.
List of Other Cartoon Shows
Santosh Kumar, He is a SEO + Blogger have 12 years of experience in writing tutorial, informative and product reviews topics.
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